African Clawed Frog Bloat

African clawed frog bloat is a disease occurring when your frog or toad is in a stressful situation. It’s not very often found in the wild due to its ability to camouflage with its surroundings.

African clawed frog bloat can be a lethal disease which may have the symptoms of African Clawed Frog include bloating, discoloration of the skin including pale blotches. The animal may also have a hard time moving around due to its size, this leads me to my next point, this disease can be deadly because it restricts their ability to breathe.

African Clawed Frog Bloat

Why Is My Dwarf Frog Bloating?

Dropsy is one of the most common diseases that affect captive amphibians, especially among pet frogs. It is caused by an accumulation of fluid under the skin of the frog’s body.

Dropsy occurs when a frog’s liver becomes dysfunctional or when there is a bacterial infection in the kidneys or bladder. The kidneys begin filtering excess fluids which are then released into the bloodstream. This excess fluid accumulates in the tissues, causing the frog to swell up and become bloated.

How Long Can African Frogs Live With Dropsy?

Since there are no effective medications against saprolegniasis, we must use supportive treatments with the aim to improve the quality and duration of our frogs’ lives. Frogs may live months or even years with dropsy if we provide supportive care.

Providing a clean and moist environment is crucial for any frog with dropsy. We must also ensure that our frogs have access to a good quality diet and freshwater. If possible, we should also provide a basking spot so that our frogs can get some exercise.

If a frog’s condition starts to decline, we should seek veterinary advice as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there is no cure for saprolegniasis and most frogs will eventually die from the disease. However, by providing supportive care we can often prolong their life by several months or even years.

How Do You Treat Bloat in African Clawed Frogs?

African Clawed Frog Bloat

Well first off, never squeeze or puncture your frog or toad. They have very sensitive skin and once the animal is damaged it will only become much worse for them.

If you can identify the stressor, take it away as quickly as possible and then keep an eye on the animal after that. Some factors can be water quality, temperature, or a new frog in the tank.

In some cases, you need to bathe your animal. This can be done by letting your frog sit in lukewarm water for around 15 to 30 minutes. Sometimes it’s necessary to repeat this process as many as 2 to 3 times a day. 

Please remember that amphibians absorb oxygen through their skin as well as their lungs, so you need to make sure that the water is lukewarm and not too hot. Also, when they’re in the bathtub, don’t cover them up with their head stuck in a corner or else you are restricting their ability to breathe.

After that, try feeding your frog some food. This can be done by placing the food at the side of the tank where it will not over-graze on its own. If your frog or toad is still alive after all this, then you’re one step closer to recovery. Try giving it a bath using the same method as described above and try feeding food again. If it eats the food, then that’s a good sign.

If your frog is not eating at all, there are also vitamin supplements for frogs found in your local pet store which can be administered orally. These are generally available in powder form.

However, if all else fails….you will have to consider euthanasia of the animal. This is done by lethal injection or decapitation. By doing this you are at least putting it out of its misery rather than letting it die slowly.

How To Drain A Bloated Frog?

If you have a frog that has become bloated due to dropsy, you can try to help him drain some of the excess fluid by gently pressing on his bloated areas.  This will help to relieve some of the pressure and make him more comfortable. You can also use a warm, moist compress to help soften the skin and allow the fluids to drain.

You should also provide a clean and moist environment for your frog and make sure he has access to a good quality diet and freshwater. If possible, you should also provide a basking spot so that your frog can get some exercise.

How Do You Know If A Frog Is Dying?

If your frog or toad has swollen eyes, lips, or any other area of its body this may be due to bloating. The animal may also have discoloration of the skin or an unusual color on the webbing between their toes.

This disease is often confused with edema, but there’s one easy way you can tell the difference between the two.

Edema will appear on the heel of your frog or toad and it will be a clear, watery fluid. With bloat, you’re going to notice a yellowish fluid that’s more syrupy than watery. If this is happening you should immediately separate your animal from any other frogs as soon as possible. The other frogs may also become infected due to direct contact with your sick frog or toad.

I hope this article has helped you to better understand the African dwarf frog bloat disease. It’s a terrible disease that can affect your frog or toad and it is fatal for most individuals. Just remember that if you notice any of the above signs in your animal, they need to see a vet immediately before the condition worsens.