Many aquarists believe that plants are essential components of your aquarium. For one, they make your tanks look like an underwater forest. Plus, fishes love to play around on plants too. They also make the aquarium fun to live with.
Frogbit and duckweed are both popular topside aquarium plants. They’re very small, and aquarists are very fond of them. They are one of the first floating plants that are used in aquariums. These two plants are an easy choice when it comes to designing planted tanks.
In this article, we are going to discuss frogbit vs. duckweed when decorating your tanks.

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Frogbit vs. Duckweed
Aquarium plants are not just decoration materials. They also have an impact on the ecosystem of the tanks. We all know that plants give oxygen to the environment. The giving oxygen part is just a scratch on the surface. Some plants float on the water, and others stick to the surface inside the tank.
Frogbit and duckweed are two examples of such plants. They’re very popular since they’re easy to care for and don’t have strict care requirements.
You can even grow them together, if you’d like, although most tank owners would rather have just one kind in their tank.
Is Frogbit better than duckweed?
Whether frogbit is better than duckweed depends on the person who will use the plants.
The first thing to talk about is the size. Frogbit is a bit overwhelming compared to duckweed. It is said that a regular frogbit’s circular leaf can grow up to 50cm in size in the wild.
Of course, this doesn’t happen in an aquarium, but it can easily span the entire tank. The root of the frogbit is just as long, even reaching the floor of the aquarium.
Meanwhile, the duckweed has a smaller-sized leaf. Many aquarists like to have more than one duckweed for their aquarium because they are cute-looking. The average duckweed leaf can grow up to 3 centimeters, so it is justifiable that aquarists have plenty on their aquarium.
The only problem that duckweed owners face is the roots of the duckweed. The roots of the duckweed can get anywhere in your aquarium. This can lead to trapping organisms in the aquarium, getting stuck in the pumps, and becoming a cleaning nightmare.
Is Frogbit good for aquariums?
Frogbit is typically used as an ornamental plant for aquariums due to its large rounded leaves. It’s good for aesthetic purposes since it makes your aquarium look like a real freshwater sanctuary for organisms.
For those who are asking if frogbit is good for the aquarium, the answer is yes.
Fishes that like to live in low-light areas enjoy having frogbit since its large leaves can block the light from outside the aquarium. They provide cover from the light outside and cover from the fishes inside.
Other species of fish that like to jump out of the water, such as Betta fish, can also benefit from frogbit because it can prevent them from jumping outside the aquarium.
Lastly, frogbit can also be food for the fish. Herbivore fishes like to munch on plants, so it is good that they have extra food in the tank.
Does Frogbit oxygenate water?
In general, all plants do oxygenate the water to some extent. Frogbit is the same. However, frogbit doesn’t oxygenate the water as much since it is a floating plant. This means that most of the generated oxygen of frogbit goes into the atmosphere rather than inside the tank.
Is duckweed an oxygenator?

Duckweed is also an oxygenator, same with frogbit. Since duckweed is a plant, it undergoes the process of photosynthesis which all plants do to create oxygen.
That said, as mentioned above, duckweed and frogbit are not good oxygenators when we talk about inside the aquarium. The best oxygenator for inside the tank is submerged plants. Since they are inside the water, the oxygen they produce stays inside the water as well.
Is too much duckweed bad?
Duckweed is an excellent plant to keep in your aquarium. They can control the nitrogen levels and adjust the nutrient level in your tank.
Generally speaking, all things that are too much is bad duckweed is not an exception to that rule. Too much duckweed can be ugly looking from inside and outside of your tank. They can also entangle the organism inside the tank because of their long-reaching roots.
Too much duckweed means more plants to compete with carbon dioxide causing other plants in your aquarium to die due to lack of CO2.
Does duckweed reduce algae?
Having duckweed can remove the extra phosphorous content of the aquarium. Algaes need phosphorus content in order to thrive in the aquarium. In this logic, duckweed can reduce the algae in your tank by depriving them of the nutrients they need to survive.
Be sure to check out our other aquarium posts!